Wanted to spread the word about a few SQLSaturdays that are coming up, which I will be at!
SQLSaturday #295 - Las Vegas, NV (4/5/14)

SQLSaturday #297 - Colorado Springs, CO (4/12/14)
Glad to see the Colorado Springs SQLSaturday back on the schedule again after taking a break for a year. Also very happy to be presenting at the event again this year. I'll be presenting my CDC with SSIS 2012 session "Capture Change and Apply It With Change Data Capture & SSIS" later in the afternoon (schedule is always possible to change, so make sure to check beforehand for exact time and room). The organizers are going to do a food drive at this event as well, to help out the local food banks which have been very stressed after all of the wild fires last year. The group down in the Springs always puts on a great event, so please register to attend this event if you are going to be in the Colorado Springs area on 4/12!
SQLSaturday #285 - Atlanta, GA (5/3/14)
The Atlanta SQLSaturdays are typically the biggest in the country (maybe even the world), so I'm very honored to be speaking at this event for the first time! Looking forward to spending some time in Atlanta, instead of just transferring from one flight to another at the airport. I'll be presenting my review of the new features in SSIS 2012 session "SSIS 2012: More Than Just a Pretty UI" in the afternoon. As mentioned above, make sure to check the schedule on this page to verify when and what room I'll be presenting in. If you are going to be in Atlanta on 5/3, register for this great event with over 50 sessions!
Best thing about all 3 of these events, they are all FREE! These events are held throughout the world and put together by community volunteers that want to share with everyone the SQL Server technology that we all love. Also be sure to talk to the sponsors at each event as it would be impossible to put on these events without their support. For those in the Denver area, we are working on the announcement for our 4th SQLSaturday in the coming weeks!
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